spa at Together for Mental Wellbeing in Norfolk

Together for Mental Wellbeing provide "floating support" services across Norfolk, aiming to help people with mental health problems live independently. Workers at Together use spa not only to record referrals, but also for assessments, support plans, risk assessments and peer support, as well as all client contact relating to their service in East Anglia. “Since using spa, reports to commissioning bodies and head office can be done quickly and effectively.” says Jon Kingham, Together’s Project Manager for North Norfolk.


Norfolk local authority require recording of Mental Health Recovery Outcome Stars (tmwk are Approved Software System Providers) and the five Norfolk Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) require Warwick and Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale (WEMWBS) assessments. Extensive outcome and contact reporting is also required.


spa is adapted to record Mental Health Recovery Outcome Stars and Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale assessments, as well as providing detailed reports on contact with clients and outcomes at service exit.

Thousands of service users can be actively supported at any one time.

tmwk continue to support and develop spa, recently delivering straightforward recording of travelling and administration time. As Jon reports, “The excellent support team at tmwk respond promptly and professionally to any changes that need to be made as the service develops and innovates.”

spa is hosted on ISO 27001 certified servers and tmwk Limited have been assessed at Attainment Level 2 on the NHS Information Governance Toolkit. Jon Kingham again: “Knowing the system meets NHS information governance standards gives our organisation and its stakeholders confidence in the service we provide.”

“spa has transformed the way we work and resulted in better service delivery across all aspects of the project.”

Jon Kingham - Manager, Together for Mental Wellbeing